Around the world with Mag. GERHARD PETERLIN

  RUSSIA (Moscow) (Okt./Nov. 2004)

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Beautiful enlighted churchRed Square - St. Basil's CathedralRed Square - St. Basil's CathedralRed Square - St. Basil's CathedralKremlin Walls - Presidential OfficeHotel Russia - Moscow River
GUM (State Department Store)Manege SquareLenin's tomb (right) - Red Square - St. Basil's CathedralLuxurious HotelTverskaya Uliza - Mc DonaldsBolschoj Theatre
KGB Building - Ljubjanka PrisonHistoric Museum - Red SquareBasil's CathedralGUM (State Department Store)GUM (State Department Store)Kremlin - golden topped Uspensky Cathedral
Cracked Tsar Bell - Largest Bell in the WorldAwe Inspiring Kremlin CathedralsCathedral across  Moskow RiverHistoric MuseumMetro Station ArbatskajaForeign Minstry - "Zuckerbäckerstil" Architecture
The Arbat - good place for a strollMoscow Metro