Around the world with Mag. GERHARD PETERLIN

 MEXICO III (inkl. Barcelona) - Okt./Nov. 2006:
 Mexico City / Acapulco / Puerto Escondido / Bahia de Huatulco (1/4) - Oaxaca / Monte Alban /  Cholula / Puebla / Apizaco (Le Malintzi) (2/4) - Tlaxcala / Mexico City (3/4) - Barcelona (4/4)
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TlaxcalaAlbergue de la LomaSantuario de la Virgen de OcotlanParroquia de San Jose
Bullfight ArenaZocalo Tlaxcala
Palace of JusticeMexican CowboysStone House at Zocalo
PopocatepetlPopocatepetlTAPO  Bus Terminal (Oriente)
Zocalo from Torre de LatinamericanoBellas Artes

UNAM - National University of Mexico CityMedicine Faculty
University Campus
National Library - FAmous Murals
Estadio OlimpicoEstadio de Atzekes (Largest in the world)
Xochimilco - one of 7 embarcaderos
Colourful TrajinerasEstadio de Atzekes (Largest in the world)

Estadio de Atzekes (Largest in the world)
America vs. Atlantis 0:0
Independence Monument
Near AirportAirport